June 1, 2024
Mate Karolyi

Bubble vs. Webflow: Comparing Two No-Code Tools

Categories and Overview

The comparison is based on the following categories:

  • responsive design
  • price
  • database
  • code exportability
  • user login and account functionalities
  • plugins
  • flexibility
  • pre-made components

By focusing on these categories, it becomes clear which tool excels in which areas.

Bubble: Best for Web Apps

Bubble is primarily designed for building web apps. This means creating applications that can be opened in a browser. Although mobile apps can also be built with Bubble, this is not its main purpose, and web apps need to be wrapped into native mobile apps, which is more complex and less straightforward.

Webflow: Ideal for Websites

Webflow, on the other hand, is more focused on building websites and landing pages. While it can also be used to create mobile apps, it lacks certain features compared to tools specifically designed for mobile or native apps. Webflow is especially outstanding in design, allowing for pixel-perfect designs and impressive user experiences.

Responsive Design

Both tools offer responsive design capabilities, but Webflow is more flexible and has more built-in features like Flexbox and CSS Grid. Bubble offers similar features but is less customizable than Webflow. The major advantage of Webflow is that its responsive design settings are simpler and more intuitive.


Bubble starts at $25 per month on an annual plan and $29 per month on a monthly plan. You need to pay for each application you build. Webflow's pricing starts at $12 per month on an annual plan and $15 per month on a monthly plan. Thus, Webflow may be a more cost-effective choice for those managing multiple projects.


Both tools have built-in databases, but Bubble's database features are more sophisticated and offer more options. Webflow's database is more of a CMS, suitable for storing blogs and user data. Bubble's database is more flexible and better suited for building complex applications.

Webflow's CMS/Database
Webflow's CMS/Database
Bubble's database
Bubble's database

Code Exportability

Bubble does not allow code export as it aims to provide an all-in-one solution. Webflow allows code export, but you lose the capabilities of the visual editor and have to manage the code manually. Therefore, Webflow's export feature is more useful for static websites.

User Login and Account Functionalities

Bubble allows fully customized login and registration processes. Webflow's newly introduced Memberships feature is still in beta but allows for user login functionalities. Until this feature becomes widely available, Webflow can be integrated with external services like Memberstack for user login functions.

Plugins and Flexibility

Bubble offers many plugins, while Webflow integrates more with external services. Both tools are highly flexible, but greater flexibility also means more complexity in usage and learning. Bubble allows for the creation of any type of application, while Webflow excels in building websites.

Pre-made Components

Webflow offers more pre-made components and templates that can be quickly used, while Bubble requires more manual creation. Webflow's pre-made sections and templates significantly speed up the website building process.


Both tools are excellent and feature-rich. Bubble is more suited for complex web applications, while Webflow is ideal for creating websites and landing pages. Choosing between the two tools depends on individual needs and the nature of the project. Both platforms are continuously evolving, so it is worth keeping an eye on new developments.

About the author

Mate Karolyi

I'm Mate Karolyi, the founder and CEO of TRAVLRD. My days are largely filled with strategic business development and sales tasks, as well as project management. Alongside my passion for the startup world, I have a love for award-winning web design, which is why I also serve as a jury member for the Top Design King Award. In my free time, I enjoy playing chess, playing guitar, or windsurfing.

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