June 1, 2024
Mate Karolyi

Webflow vs Elementor: Which is the Best Website Builder?

In this article, you will learn:

  • Which platform offers greater design flexibility
  • Which is easier to use for beginners
  • Which platform provides better value for money

Let's dive into the details!


Ease of Use

Elementor is renowned for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to create custom layouts without any coding knowledge. This is particularly beneficial for beginners.

Elementor's editor
Elementor's editor

Templates and Widgets

Elementor offers a rich library of templates and widgets, which includes pre-designed elements, saving time in the development process. The live editing feature allows you to see changes in real-time, speeding up the design process.

Elementor's template library
Elementor's template library


For $9 a month, Elementor provides access to WordPress hosting and the Elementor Pro website builder, allowing customization of every part of your website, including headers, footers, single post templates, and archive pages. Additionally, Elementor AI’s free trial lets you generate custom code without writing a single line.

Elementor's pricing
Elementor's pricing

Customer Support

Elementor offers 24/7 customer support via live chat or email, which can be particularly helpful if you encounter any issues.

Elementor's help center
Elementor's help center


Flexibility and Customization

Webflow offers unparalleled design flexibility, allowing designers to create highly customized and visually stunning websites without writing code. The platform provides a visual interface to easily customize page structure and style.

Webflow's editor
Webflow's editor

Interactions and Animations

Webflow allows the creation of custom interactions and animations with built-in tools, adding motion and interactivity to your website for an engaging user experience.

Webflow's interactions editor
Webflow's interactions editor

Content Management System

Webflow includes a powerful content management system that seamlessly manages websites and content. You can create dynamic content collections and custom fields, and easily add, edit, and organize content through the Webflow editor.

Webflow's CMS
Webflow's CMS


Webflow offers a free starter plan ideal for hobby projects. The basic plan costs $14 per month, including a custom domain, 150 pages, and more features. The CMS plan costs $23 per month and offers even more advantages.

Webflow's pricing
Webflow's pricing


Both Webflow and Elementor are excellent platforms but are suitable for different purposes. If you prioritize design flexibility, customization, and advanced tools, Webflow might be the better choice. However, if you seek a user-friendly interface, extensive template and widget library, and affordability, Elementor could be the right solution for you. Choose based on your specific needs, preferences, and budget constraints!

About the author

Mate Karolyi

I'm Mate Karolyi, the founder and CEO of TRAVLRD. My days are largely filled with strategic business development and sales tasks, as well as project management. Alongside my passion for the startup world, I have a love for award-winning web design, which is why I also serve as a jury member for the Top Design King Award. In my free time, I enjoy playing chess, playing guitar, or windsurfing.

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