Standup Republic

Custom Software Development

E-Commerce Development

Graphic Design

Mobile App Development

Online Marketing


SaaS Development


SEO (Local)

Web Design

Website Development

We revolutionized comedy event management in Germany with Standup Republic's mobile-first platform, enhancing connections between comedians and organizers while delivering a sleek, user-friendly experience.

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Client Overview

Standup Republic, a German initiative, sought to transform the way comedy events are organized and managed. With a desire to improve the connections between event organizers and comedians, the client needed a system that could efficiently manage event logistics and comedian bookings based on various classification levels.

Project Objectives

The key objectives for the Standup Republic platform included:

  • Developing a mobile-first application to ensure accessibility and ease of use for users primarily on mobile devices (future mobile app).
  • Creating a user-friendly interface with a modern, clean design to replace the outdated systems currently used in the German comedy scene.
  • Systemizing and automating event and comedian management processes to enhance efficiency and user experience.

Solutions Provided

To address these needs, we delivered the following solutions:

Mobile-First Design

Implemented a sleek, responsive design that works seamlessly across mobile and desktop devices, mirroring the high standards seen in modern apps like Revolut.

Event and Comedian Management

Developed features allowing organizers to create and manage events, and comedians to apply to shows that match their classification, from bronze to platinum levels.

Rapid Development and Deployment

Completed the MVP within an impressive four-week timeline, ensuring a swift market entry without compromising on quality.

Technical Execution

The project was skillfully executed using cutting-edge technologies:

Design and Prototyping

Utilized Figma for designing a visually appealing and intuitive user interface.

Standup Republic's Figma Design (Sample)
Standup Republic's Figma Design (Sample)


Employed Next.js for both front-end and back-end development, ensuring a cohesive and scalable application.

Database and Communications

Integrated Superbase for robust database management and Vercel alongside AhaSend for efficient email communications.

Results and Impact

The launch of the MVP has significantly streamlined the way comedy events are managed in Germany, providing a superior alternative to existing systems. Early feedback from users has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the platform's ease of use and effective management tools.

Client Feedback

The client expressed high satisfaction with our performance, evidenced by a glowing review on Trustpilot. Their repeated engagement for multiple projects speaks volumes about the trust and value derived from our partnership.

Standup Republic's Trustpilot Review
Standup Republic's Trustpilot Review

Future Prospects

While the MVP has already begun to transform operations for comedians and event organizers, future developments are planned to expand the platform’s capabilities and incorporate additional user feedback to enhance functionality.

Next project

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